december 09

I lied. Now it's the last one....

OK, Just one more. Twins. Not identical. Now I'm done. Happy New Year everyone!

This is probably my last post for 2009 - What a doozy of a year! Enough said. I was asked to do headshots for the owner of a start-up company but he didn't want them to be typically static - A little life please? Without doing video? Is this the shape of things to come...

I just shot, essentially, triplets for a friend. This is Therese. More coming soon. Look at those eyes. Love babies, just don't need one of my own.

Several people have been asking me recently about shooting their dogs, how much it is, etc., etc. So, I'm posting the info here for all to see. Although I shoot canines mainly for stock, for commercial projects and for my own gratification, I'm now offering dog portraiture at a pretty reasonable rate. Here's the info:

I'm finally parting with my Hasselblad camera - I just need to find a buyer. Please get in touch if you or someone you know might be interested. 500cm body, 3 A-12 film backs, 4 lenses (50mm cfi used maybe 5 times (original cost $3500), 100mm, 120mm macro and 180mm (all T*), polaroid back, softar filter, cc filters and more. Any reasonable offer above $6000 considered. Original cost over $20,000. In great shape, very well cared for... Call the studio at (303) 778.2340 for details.
Merry Christmas Everyone. Ho! Ho! Ho! Maybe a bit early? Does anyone feel like Christmas is being forced down their throat this year? I love Christmas. Everything about it. The food, the decorations, the very ungreen fresh-cut trees, the goofy old 70's and 80's Xmas music, sappy movies with happy endings (especially if they're animated), chocolate, wine, time with friends... I could just do without the commercialism and stress. So, Ho! Ho! Ho! Onward.
Just redid the "dogs" page on my website - Enjoy when you have a moment...

Wibby Environmental specializes in supplying everything you need for proficiency testing for water pollution, water supply, soil/hazardous waste, underground storage tanks and DMRQA chemistry. Created images for their new company brochure: Product, employees and something colorful please - Maybe you could use these water bottles...





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