august 09

Working on group shots for an aviation corporation... Coming soon...

Question: It's pretty obvious if you're left or right-handed but how do you know if you have a dominant left or right eye?
Answer: Get a piece of paper, make a hole by passing a pencil through, hold out the paper in front of you and focus on something on the other side of the room. If, when you close your left eye, you can still see what you focused on, then your right eye is dominant. If the focus point isn't visible then you are left-eye dominant. What a fascinating but seemingly useless piece of information...
Zoe. Favorite food: Anything. Favorite thing to do: Anything. Discernment not part of her genetics.

Portraits for billboards... Busy, busy...

They nixed the background and went with blue... Happy clients either way.
A 10-week old Portuguese Water Dog/Puppy. Female, Wavy. Names being considered: Mogan, Ziva, Fenton...

Update: They went with "Fenton".

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