october 08

Wow! Did a 2-day stint shooting aerials of oil fields from a helicopter. Can't believe that I got paid to do that. Work is sometimes soooooo much fun. Thank you Jay and Tracy. Thanks to the pilot for keeping us safe. Did I mention that I actually got to fly it for about 5 minutes? Very squirly. Always looks so easy in the movies...

Yay. Road trip. 5-day trip through southern Colorado for STEPP "Champions Choice" campaign, courtesy of Shift Your Brand. Thank you Louie! Images coming soon. No lions, tigers or bears but plenty of tarantulas, motels (including one next to the railroad tracks so no sleep that night), greasy food, great scenery and almost one speeding ticket but somehow talked my way out it. Thank God for a clean driver's record. (And a great assistant- You know who you are!)

Here are some of the images that were animated for a TV spot...

Images from the road: OutsideTrinidad:

Outside Delta:

Back on the road: